Monday, August 5, 2013

Unlock the Mysteries of Rahu & Ketu 4!

The first three parts were my extensive research on Rahu & Ketu as per the principles of Vedic Astrology and philosophy of Vedic Astrology. However, in the last 2 parts of “Unlock the Mysteries of Rahu & Ketu” I gave information regarding the nature, way of impact, and functionality of the lunar nodes in the native’s horoscope.

Today, as promised I will give information about Rahu and Ketu in terms of Raja Yoga in horoscope. So, let’s check how Rahu and Ketu give Raja Yoga and its importance!

RajaYoga: “Planetary Combination or Placement that makes a pauper a King”

Rahu and Ketu are not real planets but often termed as shadow planets or lunar nodes. The raja yoga given by the North Node and South Node are not similar to planetary raja yoga. They do differ slightly in formation. How!

Ø  Rahu and Ketu in Vedic Astrology give Raja Yoga when they are conjoined a Lord of Kendra or Trikona and placed in Kendra or Trikona. (Famous examples: - Rekha’s Rahu is conjoined 5th Lord Mars in Lagna; further dispositor Jupiter exalted)

Ø  The raja yoga by the nodes is not applicable if the conjunctions are placed in evil houses, upachaya houses, and Moksha houses (excluding 4th house).

Ø  In my personal experience I, have found in many charts that the North Node and South Node can give raja yoga effects if placed in Ascendant or 10th House and aspect by Ascendant Lord or 10th  Lord. Even the raja yoga do happened to a moderate form if apart from the Lord of 1st and 10th house some other Kendra or Trikona Lord aspect them while they positioned in the 1st or 10th house.

Ø  I also noticed if Rahu or Ketu is placed in Ascendant or 10th in and the dispositor is placed in their exalted sign being strong with enjoying good yogas, the nodes are doubtlessly to give affects similar to raja yoga. (Remember Rahu and Ketu if not conjoined any planet gives the effect of dispositor position or signification)

Ø  Even Rahu and Ketu in their exalted signs (Gemini for Rahu & Sagittarius for Ketu) or in their mooltrikona signs (Taurus for Rahu and Scorpio for Ketu) , or in their own signs (Aquarius for Rahu and Scorpio for Ketu) if placed in Lagna or Karma sthana i.e. 1st or 10th house of horoscope can act like yogakaraka. Check the condition that applies for this raja yoga to materialize.  

Condition applies: - Lord of the sign should be in good houses and to minimum in friendly signs. Nakshatra lord of the Nodes should also be strong. (Famous example: - Shahrukh Khan’s Rahu is placed in 10th house Taurus and its lord Venus is placed in 5th house a Trikona house with the Nakshatra lord also being the Lagna lord sun having neech bhang, and Rahu is aspect by Yoga Karaka Mar and Wealth karaka Mercury)

Traditional astrologers may differ in the last three conditions as most astrologers only value the 1st principal. They hardly did any research work on the last points that I shared. So, you all can try it out on charts of family, friends, beloved, or self. Guaranteed, you will get amazing feedback's from them! 

In, next parts look for the affects and results of Raja yogas by Rahu and Ketu in the horoscope… "

Courtesy Astro-Hut


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